【九宮格】期間限定-蘋果肉桂聖誕綜合可麗露禮盒 Mixed flavors Canelé x 9

綜合,各一顆!期間限定-聖誕綜合可麗露禮盒 涵蓋口味:蘋果肉桂,巧克力,焦糖,抹茶,草莓,檸檬,芋頭,百香果,花生各一,每一顆都是驚喜! 蘋果肉桂可麗露登場!精心製作的聖誕限定口味,和諧帶出甜不膩口的回甘韻味,巧以黑糖脆脆點綴,讓您於品嚐口感之後,還能感受溫醇香氣與甘甜滋味的合奏。
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蘋果肉桂可麗露  Apple cinnmon canelé

  • 蘋果肉桂可麗露本體約 4.5 X 5 公分 
  • Plain canelé made with fresh Madagascar vanilla beans
  • Plain canelé ganache filling and crisps topping
  • Approximate size: height 4.5 x width 5 cm

焦糖可麗露 Caramel canelé

  • 焦糖可麗露本體 4 X 4.5 公分
  • 內餡焦糖甘納許,外層約 1cm 焦糖奶油霜 
  • Caramel flavored canelé height 4 x width 4.5 cm
  • Caramel ganache filling and french caramel buttercream topping

抹茶可麗露 Matcha canelé

  • 抹茶可麗露本體 4 X 4.5 公分
  • 內餡抹茶甘納許,外層約 1cm 抹茶奶油霜,外撒防潮抹茶粉 
  • Matcha flavored canelé height 4 x width 4.5 cm
  • Matcha ganache filling and french matcha buttercream topping sprinkled with matcha powder

巧克力可麗露 Chocolate canelé

  • 巧克力可麗露本體 4 X 4.5 公分
  • 內餡巧克力甘納許,外層約 1cm 巧克力奶油霜 
  • Chocolate flavored canelé height 4 x width 4.5 cm
  • Chocolate ganache filling and french chocolate buttercream topping

花生可麗露 Peanut canelé

  • 經典香草可麗露本體 4 X 4.5 公分
  • 內餡花生甘納許,外層約 1 cm花生奶油霜 
  • Canelé made with fresh Madagacar vanilla beans height 4 x width 4.5 cm
  • Peanut ganache filling and french peanut buttercream topping

百香果可麗露 Passion fruit canelé

  • 百香果可麗露本體 4 X 4.5 公分
  • 內餡百香果甘納許,上層百香果糖漿
  • Canelé made with fresh Madagascar vanilla beans height 4 x width 4.5 cm
  • Passion ganache filling and passion syrup topping

芋頭可麗露 Taro canelé

  • 經典香草可麗露本體 4 X 4.5 公分
  • 內餡芋頭,撒上紫芋粉 
  • Canelé made with fresh Madagascar vanilla beans height 4 x width 4.5 cm
  • Fresh taro puree filling and topping with taro powder

草莓可麗露 Stawberry canelé

  • 經典香草可麗露本體 4 X 4.5 公分
  • 內餡草莓甘納許,外層約 1 cm 草莓奶油霜 
  • Canelé made with fresh Madagascar vanilla beans height 4 x width 4.5 cm
  • Fresh strawberry ganache filling and fresh strawberry buttercream topping

檸檬可麗露 Lemon canelé

  • 經典香草可麗露本體 4 X 4.5 公分
  • 內餡檸檬甘納許,外層約 1 cm 檸檬奶油霜及黃檸檬皮 
  • Canelé made with fresh Madagascar vanilla beans height 4 x width 4.5 cm
  • Fresh lemon ganache filling and fresh lemon buttercream topping decorated with lemon zest


保存與食用方式 Preservation and preparation

  • 皆為冷凍出貨,冷凍可保存10天(製造日期,請參閱盒底 )
  • 填有口味之可麗露 請勿回烤 ,室溫退冰 5至 10 分鐘即可食用 。
  • Can be kept up to 10 days in your freezer (please refer to the date under the box).
  • If you prefer to eat it warm you might want to reheat it in an oven or an air fryer at 200°C / 390°F for 5 to 7 min then let it cool for 10 min, for a freshly baked experience. If you prefer to enjoy it cold, juste leave it at room temperature for 5 to 10 min, the custardy heart will have an ice cream-like texture.
  • Do not reheat filled canelés, this method only applies to plain canelés.




  • 滿 3000元免運費 ,需於指定配達日前15:00完成付款流程,商品才能如期出貨。
    店取: 請於營業時間(10:00-19:00平日、11:00-18:00例假日)至門市取貨,地址:111台北市士林區忠誠路二段154巷7號1樓。 
    Free delivery for every order above 3000 NTD.
    Store pickup: 10AM to 7PM from monday to friday, 11AM to 6PM on holidays at our shop  



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◼︎ 為確保商品新鮮及配送安全,宅配產品全程將使用低溫冷凍配送 

◼︎ 自取時間為營業日 10:00-19:00(平日)、11:00-18:00(例假日)快遞服務僅限台北市區域。 

◼︎ 宅配金額均一價180$

◼︎ 訂單送出後,請在 24 小時內完成付款,付款完成才開始安排訂單製作 

◼︎ 商品皆為新鮮製作,因此最快出貨日為下單後 3 個工作天,急單請電洽或Line 聯繫客服。 

◼︎ 急單請電洽,聯繫電話 02-28760049,夥伴們將跟您確認收貨日期相關事宜 


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